Money Back Guarantee

In your quest for a bright and radiant smile, you may have tried endless teeth-whitening products with their tall claims to remove nasty stains and give you sparkly white teeth.

However, after actually giving these products a shot, you’ve probably concluded that they just aren't very effective.

Well, don’t give up so soon.

Smile Therapy is here to defy the odds and help you get the smile of your dreams.

We’re so sure that you'll absolutely love our products that we've launched our 100% Results or Money Back Guarantee offer.

Yes, that’s right.

We assure you that your teeth will get a minimum of 3 shades whiter after using our teeth-whitening products.

In the unlikely event that you find that our products didn’t cut it for you, you can get your hard-earned money back. No questions asked.

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Take a clear photo of your teeth in a well-lit room before using our teeth-whitening product.
  2. Use the product exactly as instructed.

You can find well-explained directions along with FAQs on our website for each of our products.

  1. Track your journey of using our product through weekly pictures (should be 4 in total). Please ensure that the lighting is similar for all the pictures.
  2. Take a final picture of your teeth after finishing the product, along with a photo of the used product.
  3. Email our customer experience team at ( with the above-mentioned pictures and briefly mention any complaints you may have.
  4. You will be notified once your application has been approved, after which you will have to send the product back to us.
  5. We will process your refund once we have received the product.

*Please keep in mind that you must submit your application within 28 days of receiving our product(s) and that the pictures have accurate date and time stamps.

Your application will not be granted a refund if it doesn’t fit these requirements.

In the event that we are dissatisfied (acting reasonably) with the supporting documentation you give to us, we reserve the right to deny a refund request.

Please note that the Money Back Guarantee only applies to the first purchase, respective *Teeth Whitening Kits* and not the subsequent orders for the same product.

Happy shopping!